• This voucher is valid at Columbia Asia Hospital – Bukit Jalil only.
  • This voucher can be used for health screening packages stated below:
  1. Basic Screening RM388 https://www.columbiaasia.com/malaysia/hospitals/bukit-jalil/packages/basic-screening-package
  2. Executive Screening RM680 https://www.columbiaasia.com/malaysia/hospitals/bukit-jalil/packages/executive-screening-package
  3. Premium Screening RM1180 https://www.columbiaasia.com/malaysia/hospitals/bukit-jalil/packages/premium-screening-package


  • This voucher is not valid for any other on-going promotions offered at the hospital.
  • Additional charges shall apply for further consultations, medication, investigation and treatment​.
  • The Management reserves the right to change, add, cancel, remove or modify the promo offered at any time without prior notice.
  • Please call for appointment three (3) days in advance.
  • For further enquiries or to book an appointment, please contact: Tel: +603 8657 9888 Email: [email protected] Website: www.columbiaasia.com/bukit-jalil